Zen Tracks

As I predict a lot of failed attempts at narrowing down my impressive gallery of photographs (I take a lot of pictures of the same thing), a lot of failed attempts at recollecting obvious facts and a lot of failed attempts at overcoming procrastination, I believe that my Australia post(s) will be kept simmering in the draft folder for quite a while. I will therefore entertain you guys with random tidbits until I finally get the motivation and courage to try and capture 12 amazing days into one or two (maybe three) posts.

Went to Singapore Botanical Gardens this morning for some foliage doodling – I really don’t visit it as often as I should given its close proximity to my house. I realised whilst drawing and listening to some tunes, how much I miss relaxing and having some me time and how easy it is to do so with music.

So first random tidbit: my multi purpose playlist. Mostly used for, but not confined to, studying, reading, drawing, painting and sleeping (only on planes when there is a screeching 5 month old two seats away from me). It’s my go-to collection of tracks for when I’m trying to focus or completely relax – the soothing instrumental is perfect for either.

happy listening, Tiff